13 May, 2011

coralicious (p.s. I made this)

My sister Julia got me an amazing vintage skirt with chickens on it for my birthday years ago. It didn't really fit me then. It doesn't really fit me now. Vintage people were just so much skinnier than modern people. But I couldn't part with it. I just love the print -- it is too cute. So I kept it in the back of my closet pretending that some day I would create something out of it. Then I found this pattern (it's free!) and I decided that I would make that skirt out of the old skirt (there is more than enough material, the waist was just way too small). I printed out the pattern. And then got cold feet about cutting into my beloved skirt. So I went and got some bargain material to practice on and I totally did it! It took a while because I didn't always understand the directions -- thank God for google -- but it came out just wonderfully. I can't wait to make the chicken skirt too! Plus, now I know how to sew buttons AND buttonholes. There's no stopping me now!

p.s. that room is filled with camping stuff. we're going camping. we're not slobs. just wanted to make sure you knew. :)

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