21 February, 2012


"So, I think I'm a feminist," I said as we pulled into the parking lot of Mellow Mushroom. As good a place as any to come to such a heady realization.

"Well, yeah," Dan replied knowingly. 

Apparently he's known all along. Since we first met he's known. I'm not sure how that's possible since those words have never passed through my lips in my entire life. 

I suppose for most people this might seem like a trivial revelation, but for me it's kinda big. I've spent my whole life believing that to be a feminist is almost synonymous with being a satan worshipper (except, instead of sacrificing babies, feminists sacrifice their bras). 

I'm not really sure what it changes - my beliefs are the same; I've just assigned them a label that I had been resistant to my entire existence. 

I'm sure that Mark Driscoll and Pat Robertson would have me condemned to hell for simply uttering those damning words, but here I am. The lightning did not strike me down, and I still love Jesus.

I'm curious, do you have thoughts on being both a feminist and a Christian?


  1. Do I have thoughts on this? I feel like I should just post my picture here. :-) There, that's me. Summed up in an emoticon. Oh, and one more thought: The only thing nearly as kick-ass as a Christian Feminist is a man who falls in love with a Christian Feminist. That's some serious, enlightened, real world, deep love, baby. Rock on! (Maybe you and I can come up with a Christian Feminist handshake during our Skype date on Friday. Haha!)

    1. Dan and I discussed it: he's a feminist, too. ;) Feminist handshake, for the win!

  2. i think it's awesome! i don't know if i would call myself a feminist or not...i embrace the roles of wife, homemaker, mom (soon) that are typically associated with submissive, husband-obeying women...but i would call myself an advocate for women's rights! i value my identity as a person separate from my husband or any other man and try to cultivate talents and personality traits that make me a stronger, more intelligent, independent woman in addition to being a part of a family unit. is any of this making sense? i feel like i'm rambling and maybe it doesn't relate. oh well. hopefully you get my point.

    1. Totally makes sense. Love your thoughts, Bran. :)

  3. So glad we're in the same club!

    1. now all I need is the password and the secret knock to get into the meetings!
