04 April, 2016

I don't think that pig lizard was Gorignak

OMG Joshua Tree. Stop it. It's too much.

Apparently, Dan loves the desert. It calls to him. I'm more of a forest/mountain girl, myself, but I will say, this place killed me. The night skies. There is no comparison. They were amazing.

I may even get Dan (man who hates camping) to go back so long as we have a telescope in tow. The man is also really into stars and planets. It really hurt him that I didn't know all the planets and their order until I was 22. Leave me alone, I went to private bible school. I learned the books of the bible in order by song. Old Testament and New Testament.

I digress.

Joshua Tree was amazing. And I got my dad and baby sister to join us. Dad and I (the more adventurous of the four of us) decided to hike Ryan Mountain in the wee hours of the morning to watch the sunrise at the summit. About 2,000 vertical feet and a mile and a half later - and a couple disagreements on who was the speedracer of the two of us - we made it to the top in time to watch the sky change color and the sun come over the horizon.

We brought the little stove and french press and had ourselves a little father-daughter moment.

I can't say enough good things. Though I am exhausted and a red-eye the same day as you come back from camping is ill-advised. Pro-tip.

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