22 October, 2014

My best friend's wedding

I'm flying to California with a bridesmaid dress in tow. This'll be our third wedding in California this summer. Every time we go to a wedding I think about ours. The vows, the excitement. It's revitalizing to see burgeoning relationships - to remember that giddiness. Marriage gets comfortable in a really secure and safe way but it's nice to experience the feeling of newness again. Weddings are wonderful occasions and I am so excited to be celebrating with Katie and Clint as they embark on their new life together.  Marriage has taught me things I never thought I'd learn, it's given me the best friend I've ever had, and it's changed me for the better. Here's to a fun weekend and a life filled with love!

(Ya, ya. Cheesy but true!)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you mean the SECOND best friend because I was here long before Dan and I intend to outstay him! JKKKKKKKKK. Mostly. SO JEAL YOU'RE GOING HOME!!!!
